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  • James Conlon (c) Dan Steinberg for LAOpera

Mon, Apr. 07, 2025, 8.00 pm | Elbphilharmonie, Grand Hall

8th Philharmonic Concert

James Conlon

Bohuslav Martinu: Double concerto for two string orchestras, piano and timpani H271

Max Bruch: Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor op. 26

Antonín Dvorák: Symphony No. 7 in D minor, op. 70

James Conlon
Violin: Daniel Cho
Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg

Introduction 60 minutes before the start of the event

In these concerts THE Czech composer of the 19th century meets THE Czech composer of the 20th: we are talking about Antonín Dvořák and Bohuslav Martinů.
With his seventh symphony, Dvořák wanted to prove that he was much more than a master of Czech local color. “My symphony should be such that it moves the world,” and it has done so since its acclaimed premiere in London in the 1880s. “I can't say how much the English honor me! I’m written about everywhere and people say I’m the lion of this year’s music season in London.”
Martinů also carried the musical tradition of his homeland out into the world and at the same time incorporated the international influences of the music world into his signature: in the 1920s he moved to Paris, in 1940 he fled the Nazis to the USA, and spent the last years of his life in of Switzerland. He considered his double concerto from 1938 to be the most successful of his compositions to date. There is no question that the tension-filled work is not only great art, but also a reflection of Europe at the time: “I think I sensed the coming of these events, the danger that threatened my country, and wanted to stand against this pressure, wanted to counteract it with my work to fight this threat that had to shake every artist and every person to their innermost convictions," wrote Martinů at the premiere in Basel.
With the Violin Concerto by Max Bruch, the work of a German composer of the 19th century stands between the two international Czechs. When he was nine, the Cologne composer wrote a birthday song for his mother, which impressed his parents so much that they encouraged his talent.
His best-known work, then and now, is the First Violin Concerto. Violin legend Joseph Joachim made it famous. Following in his footsteps as a soloist in these concerts is the first concertmaster of the Philharmonic State Orchestra, Daniel Cho.

Venue: Elbphilharmonie, Grand Hall, Platz der Deutschen Einheit 4, 20457 Hamburg
Prices: € 83,00 / 65,00 / 51,00 / 36,00 / 14,00

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