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Thu, Aug. 31, 2023, 8.00 pm | Laeiszhalle, Grand Hall

1st Academy Concert

Philharmonische Akademie Laeiszhalle

Régis Campo: „The Seasons of Life“ Violin Concerto No. 2 (world premiere) - Commissioned by the Philharmonic State Orchestra

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 in A major op. 92

Kent Nagano
Solo-violin: Monika Bruggaier
Solo-violin: Marianne Engel
Solo-violin: Stefan Herrling
Solo-violin: Solveigh Rose
Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg

// Immediately before the concert, an exhibition "Workshop Violinmaking" will take place in the Entrance foyer at 6:00 p.m., as well as a panel discussion "Craft Music" with the violin makers Klaus C. Grumpelt, Susanne Riebesehl and Felix Schleiermacher (Moderator: Josef Kröner) at 7:00 p.m. on the big stage. Admission is free for all visitors of the concert. //

Classical meets modern, the Philharmonic State Orchestra meets soloists from our own ranks, our audience meets a familiar and traditional concert hall of the Hanseatic city: the Laeiszhalle. Beethoven's Seventh Symphony, already celebrated at the time of its premiere as "one of the most interesting and highest pleasures" and a triumph against Napoleon, was simply "one of the happiest products" for the deaf recording artist. Beethoven's eternally present music from times past is juxtaposed with a world premiere by French composer Régis Campo for violin and orchestra, the solo part of which is interpreted by several soloists of the orchestra in turn. Campo's melodic and colorful compositional style has already been brought to life by General Music Director Kent Nagano in several world premieres - now also between Alster and Elbe.
Marianne Engel plays on a violin by Susanne Riebesehl from Hampel&Riebesehl. Stefan Herrling plays on a violin by Felix Schleiermacher. Solveigh Rose plays on a violin by Klaus Grumpelt. Monika Bruggaier plays on a violin by Maria Synellnyk and Dmytro Honcharuk from Ukraine.

Venue: Laeiszhalle, Grand Hall, Johannes-Brahms-Platz 20355 Hamburg
Prices: € 56,00 / 47,00 / 36,00 / 25,00 / 11,00

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